Tag: Rating: R

The Slave’s Secret – A historical D/s romance set in Ancient Rome

A historical D/s romance set in Ancient Rome

“Become my pleasure slave.”

Samara is torn when the handsome Magistrate Marcus offers her a tempting deal to gain her freedom. He’s different from the Patricians she’s met so far, and he’s definitely more charming than her abusive master Aaron. His nearness evokes previously unknown emotions in her, but the idea of sharing his bed is as intimidating as it is thrilling. Can she trust him, or will he turn out to be just as cruel and manipulative as her previous master?

Marcus is fascinated by the beautiful slave with the flaming red hair and the exotic, fair-skinned look. Disguised as the new Magistrate, he has to get to the bottom of a conspiracy, before the real Magistrate can take office. Hoping to gain valuable information from Samara, he makes her an offer she can’t refuse, unknowing that she’s entangled in a web of lies that not only endanger his mission, but soon also both their lives.

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Stargate SG-1: Leather and Lace Series (BDSM, D/s) – UPDATED: 07.04.2017

Stargate SG-1 Sam/Jack Fanfiction.
Rating: Mature.

Sam(antha) Carter, Air Force Major, starts a dangerous game of dominance and submission with her commanding officer. As Sam feels drawn to Jack’s darker side, she not only learns more and more about BDSM, but also discovers her own deepest desires.

The Stargate SG-1 Sam/Jack version of “Fifty Shades of Grey” / “Willing Victim”. Leather and Lace is a series of short stories, each describing an interlude between Sam Carter and Jack O’Neill, and each one taking Sam and Jack deeper into the world of BDSM as he teaches her what it means to be a sexual submissive…

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Stargate SG-1 (German): Ende Aller Tage (Ein Walking Dead Crossover)

Stargate SG-1 Sam/Jack Fanfiktion.
Rating: Mature.

Als SG-1 durch das Stargate auf die Erde zurückkehrt hat sich alles verändert. Es gibt keine Elektrizität, und die meisten elektronischen Geräte sind weg. Die Cheyenne Mountain Air Force Base sieht aus als sei sie seit Monaten verlassen.
Verwirrt verlassen sie die Basis, und machen sich auf den Weg zu Carter’s Haus um einige Teile für einen Generator zusammenzutragen. Auf dem Weg ins Innere von Colorado Springs begegnet ihnen eine Herde Untoter, die sie dazu zwingt sich aufzuteilen. Sam Carter und Jack O’Neill fliehen in die Wälder während Daniel Jackson und Teal’c in die andere Richtung fliehen.

Ohne zu wissen, was mit Daniel und Teal’c passiert ist, versuchen Carter und O’Neill sich durch diese feindliche Welt zu kämpfen, die den kleinsten Moment der Schwäche mit etwas Schlimmerem als dem Tod bestraft.

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Popular – Fanfiction and Copyright

Popular Post - Fanfiction and Copyright

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Popular – The Sims 3 Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1 on The Sims 3


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Popular – Sam Carter Barbie Doll Redo

Popular - Sam Carter Barbie Doll Redo


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