Category: Blog


The Sims 3 meets Stargate SG-1 (Sam Cart...

The Jungle by Pooja Puri – Book Re...

Fanfiction and Copyright Protection R...
The Sims 4: Stargate SG-1 (Sam Carter and Jack O’Neill)
by Kimberley Jackson | Feb 27, 2018 | The Sims | 0 |
The Sims 4 Stargate SG-1 Edition is here… finally.
A few years ago I created my The Sims 3 Stargate SG-1 Sims, and back when I published them, I had a few requests to do the same for The Sims 4.
Read MoreThe Jungle by Pooja Puri – Book Review
by Kimberley Jackson | Apr 23, 2017 | Books | 6 |
Every year I stumble across one book that leaves a deep impression, that moves me, and that stays with me for days, weeks, and sometimes even months. I already know that The Jungle will be that book for me in 2017.
Read MoreFighting Attraction by Sarah Castille – Book Review
by Kimberley Jackson | Apr 1, 2017 | Books | 0 |
Fighting Attraction will hit shelves on April 4, and I absolutely encourage you to give this author a read, especially because of her great writing style and the convincing narrative voice.
Read MoreThe Starlight Rite by Cherise Sinclair – Book Review
by Kimberley Jackson | Feb 12, 2017 | Books | 0 |
I’m usually hesitant to review erotic romance books. However, with this book, I’ll go ahead and do it anyway, because as a science-fiction and erotic romance fan (which is still a somewhat rare combination) I couldn’t resist a book that was both.
Read MoreWhy I Will Avoid Watching Fifty Shades Of Grey this February (and what to read instead)
by Kimberley Jackson | Feb 3, 2017 | Books, Movies, Thoughts | 3 |
With the new movie on the verge of hitting theaters, now is a good time to sum up my Fifty Shades of Grey experience. I’ll be comparing James’ work to the actual lifestyle, and (in the end) give recommendations for works of other authors.
Read MoreThe Day I Became A Liberal
by Kimberley Jackson | Dec 20, 2016 | Memories, Thoughts | 0 |
I never considered myself a liberal. Until, one day, the word was spat at me in utter disgust by a right-wing Christian American, and like the scarlet letter, it henceforth stuck.
Read MoreBorn a Crime by Trevor Noah – Book Review
by Kimberley Jackson | Nov 27, 2016 | Books | 0 |
Born A Crime is the new (and first) book by Trevor Noah in which he tells about his childhood growing up as a mixed child in South Africa during apartheid.
This isn’t a story of the American “from rags to riches” dream. This is a story about how comedy, resiliance and creativity can get you through even the worst hardships in life.
Read MoreI wanted to believe – A look back at The X-Files Revival
by Kimberley Jackson | Nov 5, 2016 | Television Shows | 0 |
When The X-Files revival was announced over a year ago, I was thrilled yet worried at the same time. Up to this day, “The X-Files” is one of the few shows I frequently rewatch. The final episode “The Truth” was to me one of the best final episodes in television history.
Did the new season of The X-Files live up to my expectations?
Read More5 Things Your Teacher Never Told You About Learning a Second Language
by Kimberley Jackson | Jul 28, 2016 | Thoughts | 2 |
Linguistic research has come a long way during the past 50 years, and many methods still applied in classrooms are outdated.
So let’s debunk a couple of myths and address a few unexpected problems that arise with second language learning.
Read More‘Inferno’: A Great Mystery Thriller to be Released in October
by Kimberley Jackson | Jul 18, 2016 | Movies | 0 |
After the blockbuster screening of the first two films, ‘The Da Vinci Code’ and ‘Angels & Demons,’ here comes the third installment of Dan Brown’s best-selling novel to be released in theaters in October. ‘Inferno’ will again feature Tom Hanks and his quest to uncover the truth. The film was shot in Venice and Budapest last year and it is slated for release in 3D (IMAX) and 2D formats on October 28.
Read MoreThe Girl With Seven Names – Book Review
by Kimberley Jackson | Jul 8, 2016 | Books | 0 |
Shortly before her 18th birthday, Hyeon-seo Lee leaves her mother’s house and crosses the border between North Korea and China to visit her Chinese aunt and uncle for a couple of days.
She never intended to escape North Korea. But things go wrong. Her family is put under surveillance as she’s suspected to have defected to China. Returning would mean interrogation, and most likely imprisonment not only for her, but her entire family. Thus she begins a life as an illegal immigrant in China.
Read MoreFanfiction and Copyright Protection – Facts vs. Fiction
by Kimberley Jackson | Apr 4, 2016 | Behind the Story | 4 |
This article explores the legal reality of the relationship between fanfiction and copyright, based on law professor Aaron Schwabach’s work “Fan Fiction and Copyright”.
Although all information in this article has been gathered with the utmost care, I am not a lawyer, therefore you shouldn’t take this article as legal advice for a specific case!
Read MorePerfect Anime Romance Dramas for Valentine’s Day
by Kimberley Jackson | Feb 14, 2016 | Movies | 0 |
It’s Valentine’s Day again—the day to celebrate your love, go out on a date or just indulge in romantic dreams. What better day than today to snuggle up on your couch with your loved one, spouse or alone?
This blogpost introduces two anime romance dramas, “The Garden of Words” and “5 Centimeters per Second”, to sweeten up your Valentine’s Day.
Read MoreThe Lovely Bones – Book Review
by Kimberley Jackson | Jan 12, 2016 | Books | 0 |
The Lovely Bones is the story of Susie Salmon, who gets raped and murdered when she’s 14 years old. From her heaven, she watches her family and friends on Earth cope with the tragedy. But she also keeps watching the man who murdered her, always hoping that someday her family and friends might uncover the truth about what happened to her.
Read MoreJ-Drama – My Top Favorites of all time
by Kimberley Jackson | Oct 16, 2015 | Television Shows | 0 |
Those who know me won’t be surprised by this: I love Japan. Everything about it. The food, from...
Read MoreNowadays everything is plagiarized, right?
by Kimberley Jackson | Aug 23, 2015 | Behind the Story | 31 |
Update (October 17, 2019) due to an increasing number of emails I receive regarding this...
Read MoreFedCon 23 (May 29 – June 01, 2014) – Perspectives of a Stargate Fan
by Kimberley Jackson | Aug 15, 2015 | Fangirling, Travel | 2 |
Finally, almost an entire year after the event, I manage to sit down and write about my trip to...
Read MoreAdventures of Bri – what a voice!
by Kimberley Jackson | Aug 14, 2015 | The Vlog Log | 0 |
It’s been a while since I wrote the last blogpost in this category, mainly because I wasn’t as active searching around Youtube anymore. (It takes a lot of time. ;) ) And even though I stzill don’t do that the...
Read MoreStargate SG-1 – Sam Carter Barbie Doll Redo (Custom Barbie Doll) – UPDATED
by Kimberley Jackson | Aug 2, 2015 | Fangirling | 4 |
A few months ago, I asked myself the question why we never got any Stargate SG-1 barbie dolls. I...
Read MoreWordPress On-Page SEO for Writers – The ABCs
by Kimberley Jackson | Jul 17, 2015 | Behind the Story | 0 |
Because I’m tired of explaining the same things over and over again, I decided to just write up a...
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