Author: Kimberley Jackson

Stargate Aschen: Chapter 39 – Damage Control (Unabridged)

Cold crept through the tent walls. Sam buried herself deeper in the sleeping bag, that was suddenly way too big for her. Three days without a word. What if Jack had been captured? What if her dad was already dead when Jack found him?

She took a deep breath. Stop over-thinking. Everything will be fine. If something had gone wrong, they’d already have received word. Or would they? If Jack had been captured, would anybody ever know?

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Thank you everybody for a wonderful 2014!

Another year has gone by. Wow. Time seems to pass so fast these days. Most of us don’t consciously live every moment. We hope for time to pass faster when we’re at work, at school, in the hospital, or in other unpleasant situations. Sometimes fate grants us that wish—for the price that the happy moments will also pass fast.

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Stargate Aschen: Chapter 38 – Last Goodbye

A high commander. Sam’s heart pounded loud and fast. Only three high commanders were stationed on Earth. They dealt with the most severe crimes.

She spun and sought Jack’s gaze. He looked calm, controlled, reserved. How the hell could he stay so relaxed when faced with Aschen Justice?

“Hands up.” One of the agents pushed her from behind. Flinching, Sam lifted her hands. God, they’d probably observed them from the moment they’d left the mill. How could she have been so stupid to think the old mill would serve as a great hiding spot?

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Stargate Aschen: Chapter 37 – The Ghost In The Mill

Sam inhaled the mild air. The scent of corn dust and grass filled her nostrils as she looked over the wide fields. The grain swayed gently in the wind.

“Home sweet home.” Jack smirked, shielding his eyes against the sunlight. A low buzz indicated the cloaked puddle jumper took off again. Sheppard would return later on to pick them up.

She cocked her head and smiled. “I really don’t miss it…after all that has happened. After all I know now.”

“Aw, come on Carter.” Jack looked around. “Wide open fields, wind gently rustling through the crops, birds chirping. What’s not to like?”

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Stargate Aschen: Chapter 36 – Sunrise

Sam drew a deep breath. Pine-scented, crisp night air filled her nostrils. The camp lay still except for occasional chatter from the people on watch.

Sleep. Not something she wanted to do yet. Especially because she’d spend another night alone. Jack was on an on-world mission. He’d left about a week ago and was scheduled to be gone for two more days.

How was it that suddenly the days when she didn’t see him had become so much gloomier? Sam sighed and wrapped her arms around herself. Above her the milky way glistened with millions of stars. No moonlight polluted the view tonight. If only the days would pass faster.

Not even the files they’d brought back from the alternate universe could replace the anticipation of having dinner with Jack every day.

A dark figure holding a flashlight came trudging up the hill. Sam recognized one of the new recruits.

“Good evening, ma’am.”

She’d never get used to hearing them call her ma’am. Even with the rank of ensign, she still outranked them.

She smiled. “Evening, recruit. And good night.”

How odd. Not even a year ago, she’d been the new one. Now camp had become her home, and at night, she found her way around even during a new moon without a flashlight. Awareness crashed over her of how much time had passed. Suddenly she was the one helping them through their first days, keeping secrets, always aware she’d most likely never see them again.

Jason. A small sting burned in her heart when she remembered her friend. How many of those new recruits would die before they even made their third month? Bad train of thought. Jason had been an exception, at least in their cell.

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Stargate Aschen: Chapter 35 – Through The Looking Glass

“Damn it!” Sam slammed the screwdriver down and glared at the side of the chair. Hours. Countless hours during the past five days, and nothing. She’d gone through every book she knew. Read all of McKay’s findings about Ancient technology. Why couldn’t she get this damn thing to work?

No, she wasn’t even that ambitious. If only she’d succeed in establishing an active interface between the Ancient chair and her laptop…

Suppressing a yawn, she got up from the stony ground. Why wasn’t the data transmission going through? This didn’t make any sense.

It should be easy. After all, McKay had interfaced with the puddle jumper. The access ports were easy to configure and adapted to their more primitive laptops and computer systems. But this chair…

It had to be merely the control panel for a much larger database. If they’d manage to tap into the database, all the questions they’d ever had about the Ancients might be answered.

Sam glared at the chair. She’d be damned if she let a piece of technology gain the upper hand. If this damn chair wanted a war, then that was exactly what it’d get. She scowled at the wall panels. Maybe she’d overlooked some burned out circuit somewhere.

She ripped one panel off the wall and threw the cover to the ground.


Heart pounding, Sam spun around. Jack strolled into the room, his eyebrows climbing as he looked around. Leaning against the wall, he folded his arms.

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Stargate Aschen: Chapter 34 – Red Sky At Morning (Unabridged)

What a beautiful day. Sam stretched under the warming beams of the midday sun. The previous evening’s thunderstorm had cooled the air to a point where sun tanning was enjoyable. The calm waves of the lake lapped at the wooden planks in a soothing rhythm.

Through half-closed lids, she looked out across the lake at the line of her fishing pole dancing softly over the water’s surface. Who’d have thought fishing would be this relaxing?

She leaned back in her chair and yawned. “This is great.” She smiled at Jack sitting next to her, and he smirked.

“Told ya. Really gets you back down to earth from all the missions when you do this for an hour early in the morning.”

She reached out and trailed her hand over his forearm. Through the clear water, the bottom of the lake gleamed with its fine-grained sand.

If only they had a lake like this close to camp… Despite Antarctica’s mild temperatures, the air and water never warmed enough for an actual summer day. What she wouldn’t give to dive into the clear waves of this lake and float around for a while.

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