Author: Kimberley Jackson

Stargate SG-1: “Crossroads” (Leather and Lace Series XII)

Hands in his pockets, Jack strolled along the corridor and nodded at an airman giving him a hasty salute. He rounded the corner and peaked into Carter’s lab.

As always she stood bent over some kind of doohickey, gaze fixed on a screen. He took a moment to study her. Even in her BDUs she looked stunning, her short blonde hair wild and ruffled as usual. He smiled when he thought about the things he’d do to her in a few hours.


Her head snapped up, and an absent smile crossed her face. “Sir.”

“Whatcha doing?”

“Finishing up work on the naquadria generator. This is fascinating. According to this paper the instability of naquadria—”

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Stargate SG-1: “Toys” (Leather and Lace Series XI)

Sam took a deep breath and glanced at the entrance. A discreet display alluded to the kind of products the shop offered. She wrapped her arms around herself and swallowed hard.

“You okay?” Jack’s arm slipped around her waist.

“Yes. I’ve just never…” Her cheeks warmed. “…done something like this.”

“You’ve never shopped in an adult store before? Carter, now I’m disappointed. You never, you know… You don’t have any…?” He cleared his throat and gestured vaguely.

“Well, of course I do. But I never go into a store.”

He stared at her, utter confusion on his face.

“Online-shopping.” She giggled against his shoulder. Damn, he was cute when he looked all confused.

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Stargate Aschen: Chapter 43 – Deal With the Devil

“Over my dead body.” Jack folded his arms.

“Sir.” Next to him, Carter shifted.

He turned to her. “Carter. Need I remind you what happened last time we ran into this slimy, arrogant son of a—”

“What exactly did happen?” Jacob asked from his other side.

Carter’s eyes widened. Right. No need to tell Jacob the details. He cleared his throat and turned. “Let’s just say our last run-in with him wasn’t exactly pleasant.”

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Stargate Aschen: Chapter 42 – Options

Yawning, Jack crossed the last meters to the science tent and entered. He raised his eyebrows. Carter and McKay debated while she scribbled some notes on a whiteboard in the corner.

Why the hell didn’t anybody at camp sleep anymore? It was past ten at night, for crying out loud.


Both scientists turned. Carter’s face lit up. “Sir. I just told McKay about your idea.”

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Stargate SG-1: “Captive” (Leather and Lace Series X)

Sam’s eyes fell closed. The distant murmurs and sounds of pleasure disappeared behind a fog of need as Jack’s lips seared a path down her throat. She threaded her fingers through his hair, then fisted it as he gave her a soft nip.

“How fixed is your ‘no-public-sex’ rule?”

She opened her eyes and stared into his chestnut brown ones. So dark, so deep. “Sir?”

He smirked. “Last Friday you seemed to get a kick out of going without panties.” He drew her closer.

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Stargate Aschen: Chapter 41 – Blending (Unabridged)

Sam glanced up from the sandy ground as they walked towards the Stargate. Of all the people to go with them, they had to choose the Jaffa. His tall, strong body with his broad shoulders intimidated her a little, though he had a certain calmness to him.

The glaring sun made his dark skin look golden-brown. For a moment, she wondered how he walked around with his metal armor in this blazing heat without looking the least bit affected.

“So you got one of snakes in you?” Jack waved at Teal’c’s stomach. Once more, Sam admired how he hid his concerns behind a facade of calm.

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Stargate SG-1: Tomorrow Is Another Day ( Sam/Jack )

Stargate SG-1 Sam/Jack Fanfiction.
Rating: Mature.

The day of the funeral is cloudy with soft drops of rain drizzling down on them as they are standing near a grave at the Washington Memorial Cemetery. She doesn’t cry. He hasn’t expected her to.

A website-exclusive one-shot set after Stargate SG-1 Season 8’s episode “Threads”.

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Stargate Aschen: Chapter 40 – Alliance

Two suns burned down from a cloudless sky onto the endless sandy surface of the planet. Sam shifted further into the shadow of the palm tree and scratched her arm. After almost two hours of walking, she’d have to be careful not to end up with a severe sunburn.

Sounds of water splashing drifted from behind her. Daniel worked close to the clear pond that marked the center of the oasis. A few old ruins with inscriptions lined the water’s edge. As usual he was completely immersed in his studies.

Sighing, she dropped the monitor onto her knees. Somehow, she just couldn’t get into the exploratory mindset today. There were no shifts in the magnetic field, no energy signatures. No unusual radiation signaling any kind of advanced technology on this planet. Of course, she hadn’t searched the entire oasis yet. She should probably do that.

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