Author: Kimberley Jackson

Stargate Aschen: Chapter 48 – Ice

Sam looked at herself in the mirror and took a deep breath. Concealer covered the rings under her eyes and the remnants of the bruise on her cheek. Almost as though nothing had happened. If only…
Somehow her entire life was falling apart. What was she doing wrong? Her fingers tightened on the sink. The past two days Jack hadn’t come home. Even Daniel had no idea where he was.
She closed her eyes. When she’d told him she loved him he hadn’t said it back. Did he want to end their relationship? Her stomach clenched. After all that had happened, she wouldn’t be able to handle that. She’d only just gotten him back.
She looked at the clock on the nightstand. The party would start at seven. She had no idea whether he’d show up, but Daniel and Vala had gathered everyone from the resistance currently in Powhatan. If he didn’t show…

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Stargate Aschen: Chapter 47 – Shattered

“Hey kiddo.”

Sam’s heart jumped. She snapped her head up and turned as her dad stepped through the open glass door into the computer room.

“Dad, you’re back.” She crossed the distance between them and wrapped her arms around him. He seemed to grow younger and younger every day. Selmak had positive influence—not just on his general health, but also his temper.

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Stargate Aschen (A Sam/Jack romance based on Stargate SG-1) – COMPLETE

A Science-Fiction/Adventure Romance.

In the year 799 (Aschen calender), Earth is a colony under strict reign by an oppressive Aschen government. The Aschen have turned humans into slaves, and seized control over the entire planet, including the Stargate–a device that allows them to form a wormhole and travel thousands of light years across the galaxy to their home planet within seconds.

Humanity is at the brink of extinction. Due to advanced Aschen medicine human lifespan has almost tripled, but most of the human population is born infertile. Only a small percent of humans are so-called gifted ones, who are able to conceive/father children. Strict rules apply to these gifted ones, as the Aschen government wants to uphold the human population.

Samantha Carter is 25 years old. She has just come of age and undergoes her first fertility tests. When her tests turn out positive, her life is about to take a dramatic turn for the worse. Unwilling to accept a forced marriage and life in a breeding facility under Aschen control, she runs away from home to find the resistance and fight for the freedom of Earth as well as her own.

As she meets Jack O’Neill, camp leader of resistance Cell 4, neither of them realizes they are bound together by more than the mutual goal to free Earth from Aschen reign. Side by side, they fight to liberate their world from the oppression of an alien race using a second, secret Stargate found almost a century before in the Antarctica forests…

Note: Although this work borrows characters and concepts from the television show Stargate SG-1, this work stands on its own and is independent from the television show.

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Stargate Aschen: Chapter 46 – Compatible

Sam released a sigh and stirred her drink with the straw. What a mistake. She shouldn’t have agreed to come. Everyone was too cheerful. Vala talked about the newest clothes she’d bought at one of the Powhatan boutiques, Janet swooned over a man she worked with. So normal. So much like it used to be. And yet…

The first half hour smiling and nodding still came easy, but with every passing minute every smile and seemingly interested nod grew more exhausting. She could have stayed in her office and finished working through more of the medical data, then gone home to bed.

Maybe she should do that. She sneaked a glance at her watch. Eight thirty. One hour and a half should be enough to satisfy Daniel’s wish to get her to socialize.

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Stargate Aschen: Chapter 45 – Fragments


Such an odd concept. Sometimes racing, sometimes slowing. And then, in moments like these, stopping altogether.

He closes his eyes as the burning in his lungs fades.

Death is another one of those odd concepts. We spend our entire lives fearing it, but when its moment comes, all fear evaporates. It means the end of pain, the end of suffering, the end of torture. Everything loses meaning, even the sense of self.

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Stargate Aschen: Chapter 44 – The Winner Takes It All

Sam dropped down on one of the wooden boxes in the briefing tent. Some coffee from the cup in her hand spilled onto her pants. She groaned. Early morning briefings still weren’t her thing.

“Rough night?” Next to her, Daniel grinned.

“McKay and I tried to devise a program for distribution of the virus into a gate until—” She glanced at her watch. “—three hours ago.”

“Ouch. Success?”

“We managed to cut distribution time down to twenty seconds. Provided we connect directly to the Aschen dialing device.”

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Stargate SG-1: “Normalcy” (Leather and Lace Series XIII)

Pete. A charming cop from Denver with a sweet smile and the most polite manners she’d ever seen. Sam turned her head and focused her gaze on her brother Mark, who sat on the opposite side of the dinner table. It didn’t take a genius to know he was playing matchmaker. Or trying to.

And even though the idea irritated her a little, she had to admit, there was something about Pete that drew her in. Something so down to Earth. So normal.

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