Author: Kimberley Jackson

Stargate SG-1: Something Real (Romance/Character Study)

Stargate SG-1 Sam/Pete, Sam/Jack Fanfiction.
Rating: Teen.

She pours herself a glass of wine in the kitchen and looks out the window thoughtfully. When she accidentally knocks the glass down, and it shatters on the white tiles, the red liquid spilling everywhere, she can’t help but stare. And for a moment, just the blink of an eye, she sees her broken heart lying before her on the kitchen floor.

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Stargate Aschen: Chapter 21 – Competition

Sam Carter looked around mildly startled when, from somewhere in the walls of the old temple room, she heard a distinct rustling sound that vaguely reminded her of insects crawling. She listened carefully for a moment, but when the sound didn’t repeat itself, she leaned over the console again that she had been working on for the past few hours.

They had been on this abandoned planet – they named it P2D-395 – for almost a week now, after an initial survey had shown considerable amounts of technology in a small temple. It had taken a bit of discussion with their team and camp leader Jack O’Neill, but when, uncharacteristically, Daniel, Rodney McKay and she herself had all agreed that it was worth it, he had authorized this mission to be a priority.

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Stargate Aschen: Chapter 20 – Unbreak My Heart

“Ensign Sam Carter reporting as ordered, sir.”

Jack looked up from his desk. Carter stood straight and calm, her gaze fixed on the wall behind him. A perfect soldier.

For two weeks she’d avoided him. They hadn’t spoken to each other since the afternoon they’d learned they were married.

Jacob had left with only a cold goodbye for his daughter. Oh yeah, there were definitely similarities in their personalities. He sighed. If only Carter calmed down enough for them to talk about how to proceed from here.

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Stargate Aschen: Chapter 19 – Betrayed

Sam pressed a few files against her chest as she walked with Janet towards the food stand for lunch. The wind was still chilly, but the weather grew milder with every passing day.

In two days they’d begin Stargate operations again and the final preparations were almost finished. The generators were hooked up and maintained, weapons and equipment were ready, and the scientists had almost caught up with the workload. Ready to get new artifacts on their hands. She couldn’t be happier.

Her gaze shifted when a group of townsmen came walking up the narrow path that led down to town.

“What do they want?” Sam raised her eyebrows at Janet.

“They’re probably delivering the last shipment from Powhatan.” The doctor shrugged.

Sam froze, her eyes widening at the man walking at the head of the group. No way, it couldn’t be. Dad!

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Stargate Aschen: Chapter 18 – A New Dawn

Shaking, Sam turned over in her sleeping bag and pulled her knees up to her chin. That shower she’d taken before bed probably hadn’t be a wise idea. The water was so cold she was surprised it didn’t drizzle down on her in little flakes of ice.

That morning, their last working generator had failed. It would be two more days until they’d receive a replacement. Polar night positively sucked. She was sick of the cold, sick of the snow and ice, and most importantly sick of the darkness.

She lifted her head and looked around the large tent. Everybody appeared to be sleeping. Dividing camp into two larger tents to sleep hadn’t been a bad idea. Their combined body heat would warm the tent up. That had been the plan. In practice it wasn’t working so well. Not for her, at least.

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Enemies – A Love Story: Prologue

English soldiers had raided the Derevko’s property that night, had raped and killed Irina’s mother, then kidnapped her father. She also learned that Irina had two sisters, one elder than her and the other one still a baby, and did everything to find them. The people in the village helped her and searched the whole region until they finally found them hidden in a house deep in the forest.

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