Author: Kimberley Jackson

Stargate Aschen: Chapter 26 – Top of the World

Sam inhaled the crisp night air and rubbed her arms, as she scanned the dark marketplace.

“So, a few more weapons deals and you can take over the task altogether.”

With those words O’Neill had started their conversation at O’Malley’s that afternoon. When she’d agreed to have steak with him, she’d expected him to regard their lunch as a date. But he’d ordered two of the day’s dishes and then started discussing missions, reports and artifacts.

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Stargate Aschen: Chapter 24 – New Location

Spiders crawled towards her from all sides. Sam’s head jerked around and she scanned for a way out. There was none. Terror constricted her throat. Breathe… she couldn’t breathe…

The arachnids scuttled closer and closer, their long hairy legs twitching and wriggling. Soon they’d wrap around her body. Again. She tried to scream, but no sound came out. She was alone down here. All alone.

Her surroundings flashed, and then all went dark. The first furry leg grazed her hand.

Sam jumped backwards and stumbled right against another hairy body, larger than the others. Legs wrapped around her, capturing her, holding her motionless. Then a screech next to her ear made her skin crawl.

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Stargate Aschen: Chapter 23 – Keep Breathing

“What happened?” Janet leaned over the makeshift stretcher, scanning O’Neill, as two soldiers carried him inside the medical tent. Sam followed suit.

When nobody answered the doctor’s question, Janet lifted her head and looked at Sam pointedly.

“Sam, what happened?”

Sam lifted her eyes, her vision blurry, hands shaking. “We fell into an old mine. Colonel O’Neill got hurt from the fall. He has a broken arm, his ankle’s sprained, and he has at least one broken rib. I’m pretty sure he’s bleeding internally, and he was struggling to breathe.”

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Enemies – A Love Story: Chapter 4 – Promise

“If you do not open the door at once I will teach you a lesson about not listening to your sister’s orders!” Maggie took the key out of her hand, her eyes not hiding how angry she was. She had always been like a mother for the three girls, but mostly for Elena, who had never known her birth mother. Since their father had died, Elena, who had only been fourteen years old, had been raised only by Maggie and her elder sisters. Despite her status as maid, Maggie had always been a person Elena knew to have respect for.

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Stargate SG-1: Sweet Surrender Series (Romance, D/s)

Stargate SG-1 Sam/Jack Fanfiction.
Rating: Mature.

On an undercover mission, Sam Carter and Jack O’Neill start a dangerous game of dominance and submission, which allows them both to explore some of the darker aspects of their characters. This series consists of 8 separate stories, that start with “Surrender” and end with “Reality”.

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Enemies – A Love Story: Chapter 3 – Tricks

When Irina saw it, she left her hiding spot and went carefully out of the small forest over the field back to the house. She wore a blouse and the pants the tailor had made for her. Women in pants were scandalous – but she didn’t care. She needed them on her operations. Long dresses were a curse for every woman who had to run and be able to defend herself.

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Popular Post - Fanfiction and Copyright

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