Author: Kimberley Jackson

J-Drama: Taiyou No Uta (2006)

Taiyou no Uta is the story of 19-year-old Kaoru Amane, whose biggest dream is to become a singer. However, fate is standing in her way. Kaoru suffers of a rare illness called XP. Her skin is highly sensitive to sunlight, and even the slightest exposure causes severe burns. As a result, Kaoru lives during the night, where she mostly sits on streetcorners to play the guitar and sing songs.

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Stargate SG-1: Beneath Perceived Realities (Episode – Missing Scene)

Stargate SG-1 Sam/Jack Fanfiction.
Rating: Mature.

When he lifts his head, she turns hers to seek out his mouth. There are no boundaries between them… for once. These are the moments that she lives for… these are the moments that get her through the endless days.

They don’t have a lot in this world… their days are filled with hard labor and grim perspectives of a future with no hope.

But here, in the shadows of their crumbling existence, among the pieces of a shattered world in the deep of the night when everyone else is asleep, they have each other…

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Stargate Aschen: Chapter 31 – Always

There she was. In his sleeping bag.

Jack raised his eyebrows, standing at the entrance of his personal tent. Well, that was unexpected. After she’d sneaked away without a word, he’d expected her to sleep in her own tent tonight. She’d acted as though she wanted nothing to do with him, and he’d given her some space.

Relief flooded him at the sight of her. Whatever was going on, at least her presence meant that she didn’t want him out of her life.

He pulled off his shirt and pants, and slipped into the sleeping bag next to her. She didn’t make any move to cuddle up to him as she usually did. Why would she possibly be mad at him? He’d done nothing wrong.

If this was about him snapping at her, he sure as hell wasn’t gonna apologize for that. They’d agreed she’d treat him as her commanding officer in the field.

Her breathing told him she was still awake. What did she expect of him? Why did she shut him out? His jaw clenched. Fine, if she wanted him to think she was asleep, he’d leave her in peace. Why was she even here though? She could have slept in her own tent to keep her distance.

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Stargate Aschen: Chapter 30 – Tainted Soul


Sam stared as Jack groaned, holding his forehead. What on Earth… He tumbled back as though he’d walked into an invisible wall.

His face pulled into a grimace. “That’s new.” The hollow clank repeated when he kicked the air in front of him with his foot. “Carter?”

Sam stepped closer. That sounded like metal. But there was nothing there except trees and the winding path. When Jack turned to look at her, she swallowed.

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Stargate Aschen: Chapter 29 – Ba’al


“Jack?” The archeologist looked up from his notes, eyebrows raised. As though he didn’t know exactly what was up.

“Time’s up. Pack up all this stuff.” Jack waved around with his P90, indicating the mess of notes, pictures and books on the grass next to the group of pillars with inscriptions Daniel’d spent the last six hours analyzing.

“Jack, I don’t think you understand the meaning of this. This is our first real clue to the Ancients. These inscriptions, they speak of a—”

“Ah.” Jack frowned at him. “Daniel, I’m not in the mood for a discussion. Pack up, we can come back here later. Until then, you can analyze the stuff you already copied. Which looks like a lot.” Daniel opened his mouth, undoubtedly to contradict him again, and Jack scowled. “We’ve been here for over six hours. The trip back to the gate’s gonna take at least three. So pack up.”

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Stargate Aschen: Chapter 28 – Trickster

Sam was feeling strangely giddy as she walked up the little hill towards the tent she shared with Vala and Janet. She had enjoyed the evening, and she knew that the sole reason for that was her commanding officer.

She had always known that he was a seducer, but tonight, he had taken that to a completely new level. Not that she minded, really. After all, she had initiated it, and she was glad about how the evening had turned out. Happily, Sam looked up at the starry sky.

It was ridiculous how blithe she felt; definitely new and exciting!

She was surprised to see Janet hurry towards her from their tent, fully dressed and with a somewhat annoyed expression on her face.

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Stargate SG-1: Just For Survival – Sam (Dark Fic)

Stargate SG-1 Sam/Jack Fanfiction.
Rating: Mature.

The only thing revealing that the little moan of pleasure had not just been uttered in her mind was the fact that he suddenly stopped moving.

He still wasn’t moving again and it was then that she knew that the reason for her moan dawned on him. It wasn’t a big deal, she told herself in a fierce attempt to fight against the embarrassment that she began to feel inside. She shouldn’t be enjoying this. It was mere survival until they found a way to escape. She most certainly did not enjoy being treated like a brood mare, and forced to have sex with her commanding officer in a semi-public place.

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Stargate Aschen: Chapter 27 – Breathless

“Well, this was an intergalactic waste of time.” Jack trudged through the high grass of the uninhabited planet.

“Um, Jack…” Once again, Daniel seemed to be in disagreement with his evaluation of the day. Carter released an audible sigh and quickened her step. He couldn’t blame her. He and Daniel had argued most of the day.

“Yeah, yeah, except for those ruins you found so fascinating.” He ran his P90 across some of the blades of grass. “Even though I really don’t see the merit in those.”

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