Author: Kimberley Jackson

Stargate SG-1: “Fantasy” (Sweet Surrender Series VII)

“Wear your spare dress uniform…“ That was all that the note said when she had found it on the keyboard in her office. It was all that was necessary.

He was going to do it. Excitement had shot through her and almost made her dizzy. He had promised to let her know his decision during the week after he had read her fantasy in the note.

And he had done so.

On Monday morning when she had arrived on base, she found his note on her keyboard. She had been drawn between a giddy enthusiasm and stomach-clenching concern. How on Earth were they supposed to do this? Should they slowly ease into it or dive right in?

He hadn’t given her any clue as to where he wanted her to go, so on Friday evening, she took a cab to his house. That was their usual meeting point unless agreed otherwise.

On her way to his house she fidgeted in the back of the cab. Tonight held the potential of going horribly wrong, if only because she wasn’t sure her fantasy would measure up to reality. They were pushing boundaries, and it could easily backfire.

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Why you might want to read Stargate Aschen again from the start

Why you might want to read Stargate Aschen again from the start?

For those of you who do want to read the story again, there are a few surprises. ;) First of all, it’s been almost a year since I published the first chapter. So reading the story anew will refresh memories. But there’s more:

Stargate Aschen comes with a new, much more concise style, that will still include all the detail you loved so much, but is a lot less clunky and easier to read
Stargate Aschen is now exclusively told from either Sam or Jack’s Deep POV. (It’s still third person narrative, but there will be no head hopping.)
Increased UST due to deeper reflections
Newly added scenes and chapters during Sam’s training that add more depth to both characters and point out Sam’s character development
Less telling, more showing, where possible.
And a lot of other factors. Detailed revision notes are given at the beginning of each chapter if you read the story here on my website.

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Stargate SG-1: Momente Wie Diese (Moments Like This)

Stargate SG-1 Sam/Jack Fanfiktion.
Rating: Mature.

Es waren Momente wie diese in denen sie den Gedanken nicht verjagen konnte: Was wenn ich ihm erlauben würde, in meinem Herzen den ersten Platz einzunehmen? Was wenn ich nicht gehen würde? Was wenn wir versuchten, Kompromisse zu finden und ein Leben zusammen aufzubauen? Die Idee war ebenso beängstigend wie verlockend. Aber in dem Moment in dem ihr Körper eins mit Seinem wurde, seine dunklen Augen mit ihren verschmolzen, während sie beide ihren tiefsten Gefühlen erlaubten hervorzubrechen, wollte sie sich dieser Möglichkeit voll und ganz hingeben. Nur für den Bruchteil einer Sekunde. Nur für eine Ewigkeit.

Universen werden von Ideen erschaffen. Am Anfang steht immer ein Gedanke; dieser erste, winzige Funken Leben der notwendig ist, um schließlich aus einer vagen Ahnung ein Wort entstehen zu lassen.

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Stargate SG-1: “Surrender” (Romance) – REVISED

„She’s mine.“

Sam Carter’s eyes widened in a mixture of surprise and disbelief at the blunt, curt statement, that effectively prevented her from giving the man who had so audaciously grabbed her behind an outraged speech and breaking his arm.
Jack O’Neill had uttered the words with security and absolute calmness in his voice. It was outrageous; on so many different levels outrageous and line-crossing to even remotely play along with this little game; even if it was only to uphold their cover; even if it was only to protect her.

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Stargate SG-1: “Release” (Sweet Surrender Series VI)

There were days that seemed to have conspired to prove Einstein’s theory of relativity true; days where you wished you could fast forward and get it over with, because they just wouldn’t end.

And then there were weeks like that…

Sam Carter sighed after she had glanced at the clock on her computer screen again. One minute later than what it had been when she had last checked. She was edgy – mildly put. Although her colleagues would probably rather describe it as impatient and uncharacteristically grumpy; had they dared to say something about her state.

It wasn’t like she didn’t realize it – and that made it worse.

She exhaled with exasperation and slammed the little screwdriver back onto her desk, glaring at the alien device that she was supposed to figure out. How on Earth was she supposed to make sense of this when the people who had been assigned to her as assistants couldn’t even do simple calculations right?

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Stargate SG-1: “Punishment” (Sweet Surrender Series V)

Wear the black dress. No panties this time!

For almost a minute, Sam stared at the note and turned the small square paper it was written on around in her hand. It wasn’t signed, but she knew who had written it. Seven years of working together with Jack O’Neill, seeing him sign off reports and write notes had enabled her to recognize his handwriting among thousands even without a signature.

In a touch of uncharacteristic rebelliousness, she considered disregarding his order. Might be interesting to see how he would react… but she was already in trouble, and she wasn’t sure what she was getting herself into. He had promised her some kind of punishment – and the idea thrilled her. But would the actual punishment?

It wasn’t even like she had tried to disobey his order last time. She had wanted to follow it…

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Stargate SG-1: “Crime” (Sweet Surrender Series IV)

She didn’t move an inch… it wasn’t something that came hard to her or took effort. In her decade with the Air Force she had learned to stand at attention for hours. Just that usually she was wearing a uniform, and wasn’t in her commanding officer’s bedroom as she was doing so.

Another Friday… and it should start scaring her by how easily she slipped into her role as soon as she crossed the doorstep and entered his house. For some reason though, it didn’t. During the week, she found herself looking forward to their Fridays with something akin to a thrill in her belly, and once she was in his house, she was all too eager to follow every single one of his rules.

Jack entered the room, and strolled over to the bed. His eyes rested on her as he sat down.

“Come here…”

“Yes, Sir.” She crossed the distance between them and came to stand in front of him. Her stance never changed, her eyes remained fixated at a point on the wall, even as his hands opened the button of her pants and his rough fingers brushed tenderly against the naked skin of her waist under her shirt.

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Stargate SG-1: “Trust” (Sweet Surrender Series III)

Wear this tonight. J.

Sam gaped at the little white card that held the note before her eyes shifted to the box that the mail carrier had just delivered. It was black. Simple, plain black.

She opened it, and then her eyebrows rose as she pulled out a short black dress that, judged from its form, would hug her body as tight as a second skin. No way was she going to wear something as saucy as that!

She dropped the piece of clothing back into the box. Her eyes fell on a second card that had fallen out of the dress and dropped face down on the ground… She picked it up and turned it around.

No underwear!

Her expression darkened. Was he out of his mind? He couldn’t honestly expect her to wear a dress like this, let alone wear nothing underneath!

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Sam/Jack Multimedia Awards 2014 Nominations

I am very excited to announce that some of my stories have been nominated in the 2014 Sam/Jack Multimedia Awards! Thank you to everybody who remembered my stories when it came to nominating their favorites!

I know that a lot of my readers aren’t active on either Gateworld, Tumblr or Twitter, and so I want to take a moment to tell you guys what the awards are about. The Sam/Jack Multimedia Awards are fan awards created by a group of dedicated fans. Everybody can go over to their website and nominate their favorite fan story, fan art or fan video in the respective category. After the nomination period has ended at the end of August, voting will begin in September, where everybody can vote for their favorite story.

Find more infos on how to vote, and which ones of my stories where nominated by reading the full post!

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Popular – Fanfiction and Copyright

Popular Post - Fanfiction and Copyright

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