Author: Kimberley Jackson

Giveaway! “The Starlight Collection” Limited Glitter Edition

It is again time for a giveaway for you guys! I am almost done with the Stargate Aschen rewrite, and that means very shortly you’ll get new chapters. Christmas is also very close. That is two good reasons to hold another giveaway.

“The Starlight Collection” is a new postcard design collection featuring all three of my Sam and Jack designs as star constellations. This Special Limited Glitter Edition has been topped with a fine sheen of acrylic glitter paint, making it sparkle like an actual starry sky.

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Stargate Aschen: Chapter 33 – After The Rain (Unabridged)

Sam shivered and curled up under the blanket when a cool breeze hit her bare thighs. She yawned and turned onto her back, blinking her eyes open. Jack was gone, but his scent still lingered on the sheets. Warm sunbeams danced around the room to the rhythm of the shifting curtains.

Petrichor permeated the air, the fresh and earthy scent after the rain. Birds warbled a cheerful song, one chirping right in front of the open window. She turned her head when the curtain flapped in a stronger gust of wind.

Happiness surged through her at the memory of the previous night. She stretched, enjoying the relaxing pull in her muscles. What time was it? She turned her head to the window. If the sun was up that high…

It’d been a while since she’d slept that well. After another moment of reveling, she got up. The fresh breeze caressed her bare skin, leaving behind goose bumps. She hurried to pull on the shirt still lying on the chair in the corner.

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Stargate Aschen: Chapter 32 – The Way You Love Me (Unabridged)

Sam shifted and wrapped her arms around herself as she looked out the window. Serene silence all around. No human soul for miles. Just them. Her stomach tingled, a combination of excitement and nervousness. She swallowed hard.

“You want a beer?”

When she nodded, Jack walked up to the fridge and opened it. He hadn’t exaggerated about his dinner. The steaks had been delicious. After eating, they’d cleaned up together and stacked the supplies from the boxes away.

Sam cleaned the last plate and put it back on the shelf where it belonged. When she turned around, Jack handed her a beer. Her smile shook as she took it. “Thank you.”

“You okay?”

Damn, was her tension that obvious? She winced inwardly. She didn’t want to give him the feeling she was uncomfortable. For the first time they were alone, and they had three days all to themselves. They’d have sex. Her stomach tightened, and she took a hasty sip of her beer. “Yeah… good.”

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Stargate SG-1: Just For Survival – Jack (Dark Fic)

Stargate SG-1 Sam/Jack Fanfiction.
Rating: Mature.

He froze when she moaned under him. God, did he hurt her? He panted against her neck, arousal dissipating. And he’d worked so hard to get there. Had worked so hard to forget the shallow self-loathing threatening to overcome him again as it had the past five days.

It didn’t matter that, in his mind, the woman under him wasn’t Carter but some random faceless woman he’d picked up at a bar. It also didn’t matter that in his fantasy they were somewhere else. Some place where they didn’t have Jaffa passing by every few minutes checking on their progress.

Five days. Excruciatingly long. If they didn’t get out soon, he’d go nuts.

With every additional day, it grew harder for him to do this to her, his 2IC. He couldn’t look at her during the act, and never did right after. That way they could at least keep some last shred of dignity. Not that it made it any easier.

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“Stargate Aschen” – Ebook Survey

As you know, I will make “Stargate Aschen” available as an ebook again on my website soon. Because of that, I want to hear your opinion on a few things such as format, etc.

That is to provide the best and most userfriendly experience possible. It’s only three short questions, so please take the time to answer them real quick. It won’t take more than a minute, and you don’t have to sign up or provide any kind of personal data. Not even an email address. The answers are completely anonymous.

Thanks for your contribution! :)

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Stargate SG-1: “Disobedience” (Leather and Lace Series IX)

“So, you ever watched porn?”

Jack turned his head when Sam choked on the sip of coke she’d just taken from the bottle. “What?”

“You ever watched porn?”

Her face went scarlet and he turned his attention back on the street, his hands on the steering wheel.


For someone so smart she was really slow on the uptake sometimes. “Not that hard a question.”

“Just out of the blue.”


“So what?”

“Porn, Carter.” Okay, this was getting frustrating. “Have you ever watched it?”

She cleared her throat. “Hasn’t everyone?”

Yeah, he really had to learn to be precise in his questions. Damn, he always made that mistake with her. “Let me rephrase. Did it turn you on?”

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Stargate SG-1: “Reality” (Sweet Surrender Series VIII)

“Sir, I’m afraid I’ll have to ask for a leave of absence.”

Jack’s glanced up from the piece of paper he doodled on and looked across the briefing table at the woman sitting opposite him. That was odd. Carter never asked for leave of absence. If their superiors forced her to take it, she still stayed on base. Hell, the woman had a problem going home at the end of a regular workday.

Her gaze remained on General Hammond at the head of the table. After a moment of obvious contemplation, the general nodded.

“Of course, major. You are way overdue for personal leave anyway. I’m sure we can do without you for a few days.”

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Stargate Aschen: Chapter 8 – Survival Training

“Alright, recruits.” O’Neill opened the file he’d been carrying with him all day.

Sam lifted her head and tried to hide her exhaustion. They’d walked through the forest for two hours, and she’d yet to see the purpose of it. From the looks of the other recruits, she wasn’t the only one who’d lost her motivation.

Her stomach growled and she pressed her hand against it with a wince.

O’Neill looked around. “You’re all stranded in an unfamiliar location with no way of getting home. Night is close, so you gotta make camp. You don’t have any weapons on you. Just your clothes.”

A collective groan rippled through the group. Sam closed her eyes. That probably meant she wouldn’t have lunch today. Or be able to take a shower in the foreseeable future.

O’Neill raised his brows. “That’s the spirit.” Sam could swear she saw a smirk play around his mouth. He looked at Colonel Sheppard and the other man stepped forward.

“You’ll all swarm out and prepare for the night. We won’t divide you into teams this time.” He gestured around him. “This clearing marks the meeting point. You can move in each direction from here, but don’t move more than twenty minutes away.” Sheppard held up a number of armbands. “Each of you will get one of these. They hold a sensor so we can keep track of your movements. We’ll pick you all up in about an hour.”

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